Do You Fast Your Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Eastleigh, Hampshire, UK
I read loads of contradictorry stuff on feeding tropical fsh and of course there is a huge difference in not just what you feed individual species but in the amount eg how much to feed an Oscar cf. a Neon. (feed the neon to the oscar? - but I digress......)

So I wondered if you would please post a reply as to whether you fast your fish - day without food - and if so,
what sort of fish? and
how often do you do it? (fast your fish! perleeeeeeze!! :*) )

I didn't want to poll as I am interested in a bit more info.

Many thanks
I only feed my yellow labs every other day, because they are in quite a small tank i want to keep waste to a minimum... :thumbs:
I generally feed my average community (adult) fish 5 - 6 days a week.
Fry have different requirements.

I've just returned for a months holiday and in my absence was fed by a house sitter (who knew nothing about fish) and they only got food every other day and then only half their usually feed. So in essence for a month they got a quarter of their normal food.
The tank water is so much clearer and the fish look great.
I have a very greedy female platy so i have moved her and the male to there own tank in the fish house i have high hope for her in the shows . So it is a very carefull diet for her i am afraid

I fast most of my fish once a week, unless they are fry or breeders. Most of my tanks have angels, 1 tank with the wife's platy breeding, 1 with some corys, plecs, and platys in quar. is a good article concerning fasting & breeding. These tricks work well.

Fish in the wild live on the verge of starvation. For most tanks you could cut back severely on feeding & the fish will probably do better. The few situations that do require daily feeding are not found in the wild.
I fast most of my fish once a week, unless they are fry or breeders. Most of my tanks have angels, 1 tank with the wife's platy breeding, 1 with some corys, plecs, and platys in quar. is a good article concerning fasting & breeding. These tricks work well.

Fish in the wild live on the verge of starvation. For most tanks you could cut back severely on feeding & the fish will probably do better. The few situations that do require daily feeding are not found in the wild.
really interesting article - thanks for that! not that I am trying to breed but I just soak up info on fishes and fish keeping - can't get enough.

Thanks for the posts so far - keep them coming please!

oh, and I feed my community tank once a day in the am for the surface and middle feeders and drop pellets for the bottom and algae feeders at lights out. They get nowt one day a week.

But I'm off to grab a beer and watch the rugby. C'mon ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!
In an established tank, with some growing algae, I never worry about skipping a day or two if need be. I raise mostly livebearers. In my 80 and 10 gallon tanks at work, the fish go without from Friday evening through Monday morning every week without any ill effects. A well fed healthy fish can easily go a week without.
TBH I only feed a few days a week. What I'm thinking of doing is feeding something frozen, like bloodworms, twice a week, and not feeding any other days. Or maybe frozen twice a week and flakes/pellets one day a week. Nutritious, better water quality, cheaper. We all win :fun:
I feed once every 2-3 days. I always have fed my fish this much and I have very healthy, active fish in a clean tank.

I feed flakes, catfish pellets, plec tablets and frozen bloodworm every so often. When I get my bristlenoses I am sure I will put lettuce and cucumber in too.
Apart from the snakeheads which I have just weened from every day to every other day, my fish get fed twice per week. whatever is left from the snakehead fry goes into the large tank, but the small amount of food there is can't count as a feeding for them.
I fast corys and livebearers (when not young fry) once a week, but should I happen to be away over the weekend they get another fasting day. When I go on holiday I instruct the fishsitter to feed every other or every third day, as they don't do any water changes for the fortnight I'm away.

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