Do You Expect To

Do you exprct to be into fishkeeping all the rest your life? Or atleast intrested?

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  • No

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  • Very possible.

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Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I think I'm already hooked for life. :thumbs:
have many goals in life, including setting up a 200G+ SW aquarium.
I also want to Own Oddballs, rays and Arowanas. (same thing, but w/e.)
If at any point they make the collecting of wild fish illegal or ban stores from selling larger fish then there is a good chance i would give up fish keeping forever, i just couldnt see the point in continuing if all i could keep were tank/farm bred little community fish. Other than that i'll be a fish keeper for life, theres so many species i want to keep and so little space to keep them all in so i need all the time i can get.
CFC - If that's the case, never come to Australia :lol:
The biggest fish you can get here are Aro's and Giant gouramis :p

It's to early to say a fish keeper for life, im mid way through high school and havent even got my life planned out. So there is no way of being certain.

I am new to fishkeeping....

But @ this rate no doubt I will be hooked for life!!

So tranquil and relaxing - and although sometimes hard work, worth every minute of it :D
Unless something drastic happens yes. Being that I wouldn't dream of parting from my wonderous catfish that's a good many years covered alone. :lol: I think a point would probably come when I couldn't have as many tanks tho and cut down. After all, when I'm 80 will I really want to be cleaning up to 8 tanks? :crazy:
"Unless something drastic happens yes. Being that I wouldn't dream of parting from my wonderous catfish that's a good many years covered alone. I think a point would probably come when I couldn't have as many tanks tho and cut down. After all, when I'm 80 will I really want to be cleaning up to 8 tanks?

Quite the opposite I believe. Think of how much time you will have when you are retired.
Quite the opposite I believe. Think of how much time you will have when you are retired.

Maybe the time, but not so much the patience or arm strength!!!
Lol the patience won't be the issue, more the health and wanting more holidays then I currently get. I haven't actually had one this year at all. The last was a week in June '04. :rolleyes:
And imagine if you had an outbreak of something and needed to keep doing water changes or a filter broke etc etc. On top of the strain it would put on a rather aged body, it'd also take a great chunk of a crappy pension not designed to cope with a large fishkeeping habit.
Lol the patience won't be the issue, more the health and wanting more holidays then I currently get. I haven't actually had one this year at all. The last was a week in June '04. :rolleyes:
And imagine if you had an outbreak of something and needed to keep doing water changes or a filter broke etc etc. On top of the strain it would put on a rather aged body, it'd also take a great chunk of a crappy pension not designed to cope with a large fishkeeping habit.

Lol. Dilemma "feed urself or the fish" ....
That or u could take up some yummy frozen foods! :S
I say when u get older keeping 2 many fishes/2 many tanks would b 2 much hard work...
But for now we r all set on keeping up the gd work :D
I'll still be keeping fish till they pass a law saying that the only water that you can store in your house is what is in your water tank for baths
I voted yes but will qualify that. Being 53 yrs old, I can make a little more certain determination than say a 15 year old. Most teens (apologies to the more mature ones that know what they want to do with their lives) don't know what they will be interested in tomorrow, little on for the rest of their lives. Heck, at my advanced age, "the rest of my life" might not be but a couple more days (or even less). :lol:

I do know that I will be interested in fish as long as I live as I have always loved fish. My dream house is on the lake or at the beach, near the water where I could fish every day. I am fascinated by sharks (the Jaws type, not balas). I don't read much but give me a good book or article about sharks and I'm hooked.
Ive rediscovered all the hobbies I had as a child and have taken up budgie and pigeon and fishkeeping again.
Ive even started buying old DC comics on e bay again
Id say Im hooked again but may downsize as time goes on as I went a bit mad--5 community tanks and 7 betta tanks.
Iwill definitely stop keeping bettas--zzzzzzzzz--but cant see me stopping fishkeeping :)

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