I picked the first choice, Because I just can't help myself... I always buy extra tanks so I have an excuse for having another betta. ... and plus im addicted to keeping fish.
I have an empty 10 gallon in the garage--nothing to go with it. It was cheaper to buy a 10 gallon kit rather than a lid and light and filter for the one I had in the garage. I also have an 8 gallon hexagon sitting in the garage. It has a very small opening on top and is quite deep, making it very difficult to clean or do water changes. So the two tanks sit empty in the garage. Getting another tank isn't the issue here--finding a location for it is the problem. Hubby did agree that I could have more bettas if I can find room for them (but I cannot convert his garage into a fish room)
I currently have 2 empty tanks sitting around. One is ready for a fish, and the other is in the basement. But I'm not allowed any more pets, not even a betta.
Yep, I always have to have a Betta in extra tanks. It's just a waste of space otherwise.
However, I did go through a period when I was trying to cut down on Bettas because of time issues. Then I had a 10 gallon and two 5 gallons sitting around. But, that period didn't last too long.
I currently have 2 empty tanks sitting around. One is ready for a fish, and the other is in the basement. But I'm not allowed any more pets, not even a betta.