Do They Have Babies Or Lay Eggs


New Member
Oct 29, 2006
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Hi we have just looked in our tank and realilsed that we have a baby fish. It is a Tetra but not sure what type of Tetra it is see through/silvery colour. Do the fish actually start as eggs or are they born as fish and also how many should you expect to see? Do i need to take the babies out to stop others from eating them?
Many thanks
Are tetras the only fish you have in your tank? If so, it was hatched from an egg somewhere in your tank. If you don't seperate the babies from the other fish in there, they may get eaten. I can't tell you how many you should expect to see though... look for a patch of eggs under a leaf or on the sides of the tanks. :)
Thanks Chibi. We have other fish in the tank including Neon, plocotomus but mostly tetras. We are not really sure what they are called. If we seperate the fish are they safe to go in just a tub or do they have to go in a warm water tank?
Sorry for all the questions.
Buy a Fry net from a pet shop, they only cost a few £ and are worth keeping hold off just in case.
Thanks i will go and buy one tomorrow. :good:
If you want them to grow properly they need a separate tank or the tank needs to be separated in half. Those nets for baby fish are almost completely useless and are only meant to be used for a temporary shelter for maybe a couple weeks at most. They can't grow properly in a net they need the extra room of a separate tank.

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