Do these tanks mates work???

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Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV - USA
Hi, my question is, would it be safe to add 2 blue, 2gold, and 2 red micke mouse platys to my tank (tank description below ... the 60 gallon?) I bought them all ready for my gf, she loved the mickey faces, and i was goingt oput them in my betta tank and i tested it and he flared at the when they were still in a bag, but he wasnt having a good day, and then i put them in the 60 and was wondering if it was safe?

So my question is:

Is it safe to have those new fish in my 60 gallon or should i take them out?

Also, do you think the platys are good mates for a male betta?

thanks everyone!
I think it might be a bit aggressive in there for them. Especially with all the Gouramis, and the Angelfish. I'm not sure how aggressive your catfish are, as I've never kept those species...but I think it's risky keeping them in there.

Sometimes they will work with Bettas, sometimes they won't. Usually they either end up nipping on the Betta, or the Betta sees their bright colors, and thinks they are competition, and chases them or kills them. It would depend on your particular Betta's temperments. You pretty much have to try it, and see if it works. :)

Edit: What's your male and female Platy ratio?

The platies should do fine in the large tank but you probably wont see any fry as the angels, gourami and cats will eat them. With a group of 6 you should really have 2 males 4 females or 1 male 5 females or all females, if you have more males they will constantly harass the females and stress them out. (to sex them the anal fin of the females is fan shaped like a normal fin, the anal fin of the males is thin and tube shaped).

The only way to see if the fighting fish will get on with them is to try it. Some are really aggressive and will attack other colourful fish and are best kept alone.

Another option if this is the fish in your sig would be to swap the tanks of the male and female fighters and put the platies in the 10 gallon with the female and see how she gets on with them.

Hope this helps

Are you sure Emma? I've seen Angels being nippy on Platies, same with Gouramis. I think they'll get stressed out in there, if they are being chased by the Gouramis. Or nipped on by the Angels.

If you do put them in there, watch them, and make sure they do not get chased a lot, or stressed out, or nipped on. Though most of that usually happens in the night time.... so it can be hard to tell. If they show any signs of discomfort or stress, I'd seperate them. :thumbs:

And female Bettas can be just as bad as Males or sometimes worse, so if you do switch them around, just watch them. :)
Hi Annastasia,

He already has the angels and gourami together which has been working out fine and these can be nippy to each other as well as to other fish. The tank is a 60 gallon so they should have plenty of room to avoid each other if need be. He already put them in there before wondering if it was a good idea, so if they are getting along ok so far he must have pretty peaceful fish.


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