Do These Go Together Well?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Man, UK
Got tank ordered, background and sand. They should be here in a few days when I will be starting a fishless cycle. BUT I just wanted to check whether these fish would go together first, before I know whether I have to order special from the lfs.

Gourami, corydora, angels, platy and neons?? Would these all get on OK?? Going to put my betta and minnows in a separate tank :rolleyes:

Laura x
What size is your tank?

Angels with neons or gouramis might pose a problem...
Neons should not be added to an immature tank - tank should be at least 6 months mature as they are very sensitive to water quality.
Like Gilli said wait to add the neons, at least 6 months. :)
Yeah i agree, the only problem is the neons. They would be too threatened with the angels and would feel comfortable. :|

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