Do these fish go together ok?


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
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Hi everyone :D

I am new to fishkeeping and have been reading posts for the last couple of weeks since I bought my tank (rekord 70), and I am so glad I did as I knew nothing about cycling and water testing, but seem to be doing ok with that so far.

I have added my first fish yesterday, two Zebra Danios which I love already. I have read the fish index and am thinking of having the following fish in my tank:

Zebra Danios, Otocinclus, Guppies, Neon Tetras

Do these types of fish live happily and peacefully together?
How many of each would be happiest in my size of tank?
Is it best to get only female guppies so no fighting/babies?
What order would you buy them (hardiness)?

Sorry for the list of questions! I would appreciate any advice, also any other suggestions.

PLEASE :dunno: could you also read my post in fish emergencies and reply to that I have a problem with one of my new fish

Thank you
What is the size of the tank, in gallons or liters?

The only possible problem with the fish combo could be the danios. Some people have a problem with them harassing and nipping other fish. It seems that if you keep them in a group (5 or more probably) that grealy reduces the "aggression" towards other fish. I have six danios in one of my tanks, and they just harass each other.

I've never had any problems just keeping male guppies together. Even if you get all female guppies, you might still end up with babies (if the female and male guppies were kept together at the lfs).

And neons need to be in a group also. But the ottos and guppies will most likely do fine with any number.
Thank you for the reply, its 70 litres.

I agree that my main concern is my danios that I have started which I am learning might nip the tails of guppies, it would be a shame though because I would really love some Guppies as they are so beautiful. Maybe I could get some more Danios to reduce aggression if I was not going to be overstocked, say with:

5 Zebra Danios, 6+ neon tetras, 3 otocinclus, approx 4 guppies?

Advice would be very helpful, thanks
Well, technically it's overstocked according to the 1 inch of fish for every 1 gallon of water, but I think it could work as long as you kept up on partial water changes and the maintence.

Probably choose which of those fish you want the most and start off with those, and gradually add the other fish you want. Make sure you are testing the water often. And as long as your water perimeters are o.k. and everyone seems happy and healthy, the setup should be o.k.
As said above, add the fish gradually (say over a period of a month or so). I'll add that Oto's are very, very sensative to water conditions and have a habit of jst dieing for no apparent reason. Add the otts as the very last fish.
Hi trio,

you have the same tank as me and are thinking along similar lines as I was when starting up :)

I decided to go for white cloud mountain minnows instead of neons because they are more hardy. Although I would love some neon blue in there too.

Have you already done a fishless cycle or are you cycling with the zebra danios? If so then they will obviously be on their own until the cycle is complete. I have six of them. If you do add the neons, guppies and otos then I would add the guppies second, then neons and the otos last after the tank has a lot of brown algae (maybe 2-3 months after cycling).

I have found however that when I first added six ZDs and they were on their own, the tank did not look empty at all, they are so active and use the whole tank. They also chase my white clouds, but they don't seem bothered and sometimes chase back. I don't know if neons or guppies would be more bothered by the ZDs.

I have just added some more plants which provides more hiding places and this has reduced the chasing somewhat.

Personally I would recommend you try 6 zebra danios, 6 neon/cardinal tetras and 3-4 Otos.

Lets see some pics along the way if you can :)

edit...for a correction.
You want to wait atleast a month before u add any more fish, make sure the ammonia and nitrite are both zero before u do so.

Add the reminder of ther fish over the cprse of serveral months, maybe one month add the neons then a month later add a few guppies, you dont want toget all female by the way, there arent very colourfull, id get one male and 2 females
I have danios and guppies together...they seem to get along just fine, but make sure you have a bunch of plants so the other fish can kind of hide from the danios...but i also have 6 danios and 5 guppies...they seem to stay in their own groups and for some reason it seems during the day my guppies chase eachother around more then my danios...but before feeding it is definently opposite, the danios are too busy chasing eachother to worry about food...but thats just my experience, i've only had this fish together for 2 months...also i've only had fish for 2 months period...but i thought i would share my experience :)
dixaisy930 said:
What is the size of the tank, in gallons or liters?
I don't think anything was said about the gallons, witch is 15 uk G.

I'd stick with ya danios for now, as guppies are not as hardy as they use to be.

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