Do the plant bulbs at wal-mart really work?


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Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
Do the plant bulbs they have for aquariums at wal-mart really work? They have two kinds. One is for bettas but I don't remember the name of the plant.

Would these be worth a shot or would it just be easier to buy live plants?
It might be cool to try them out and see if you can grown your own plants from scratch but it'd be easier to buy them.
Auratus, I have seen thoses plants too. I say try them out and report back to us to see what happens. Worth a Shot. :dunno: If you don't try them, I'll give them a try myself. ;)
i bought some and it took several weeks for them to sprout but they finally did and grew pretty good, one in my daughter ten gallon has leaves floating on the suface now. :nod:
I've tried two kinds of bulbs from wal-mart. The aponogeton bulbs have worked great for me. In fact, they made a jungle out of a part of my 55 gallon. It even has blooms above the water line. :wub: The "lilly bulbs" haven't worked out as well, though. Only two have sprouts, but it's just been a week. The aponogetons all sprouted within a few days!
Which one would you recommend for the betta tanks?

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