Do Snails Heal?


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
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neptune city, nj, usa
i've had a mystery snail for a while. the other day i went and bought 2 small spotted puffer fish. a few minutes later one of the puffers attacked the snail and got 3 little bites out of him, by his backside not near his mouth or feeler things. i returned the puffers and the snail seems to do fine. still scoots around the tank and eats any food bits and algae discs. he seems perfectly healthy to me. is there anything to worry about or will he ever grow those little bits back?

I've seen snails with cracked shell cement up all nice like as well as hole getting filled (or not) but they lived just fine. Some sort of shell building goodies should be in the tank (calcium of some sort) to help the slow poke.
I've seen snails with cracked shell cement up all nice like as well as hole getting filled (or not) but they lived just fine. Some sort of shell building goodies should be in the tank (calcium of some sort) to help the slow poke.
it's not his shell, it's his actual body, the squishy part :(
I've seen snails with cracked shell cement up all nice like as well as hole getting filled (or not) but they lived just fine. Some sort of shell building goodies should be in the tank (calcium of some sort) to help the slow poke.
it's not his shell, it's his actual body, the squishy part :(

It doesn't matter what part it is. Snails are puffers natural food and they will kill and eat it. If it heals or not first is immaterial. It will be a meal eventually.
It clearly states that he took the puffers back ac106. And I wouldnt get your hopes up about it healing because snails dont seem to be very easy to come back from injuries to their body but It could happen. Keep us updated, I'm curious on how he progresses.
Oh so it was his "Foot" then I'd say he'll be fine :good: . Unless it gets fuzzy and infected :sad: .

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