do sister bettas get along?


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i have to betta girls that i got today. They are crowntails, and i think that they are sisters because they have the same markings and same tail shape, I put them in the same tank and they are following eachother, but not flaring, just swimming like they are shoaling. Do you think that they will fight? If they are sisters will they be nice and not fight? lol, ive never had a female before, just males and i know that they never like eachother.
females don't show as much aggression with each other as males do. I keep 3 female bettas together and they do like to follow each other around and swim together from time to time. Yet other times they start flaring at each other like they're in an agrument :p

I should recommend you keeping more htan two though, it helps spread out the aggression a little (if you're sure they're sister then it might be okay becuase they've been together since birth).
it really depends on the bettas.. ive had 2 together b4 that went insane and wouldnt stop attacking each other, and ive had 2 together that have never touched each other..

so it really depends on the individual fish... sounds like you got 2 nice ones though

good luck with em!
yeah they seem nice, theyre really tiny, id say maybe 1 month old, and theyre cute following the other around, one got stuck in a plant this morning, it was a live plant too, and the other one was trying to help her out, well at least i think. There was also another one that looked like them, a grey one, but i didnt get that one. I did put alot of plants and a pot in there so they had hidding spots of they didnt like eachother but i kinda need to fix theyre tank because the live plant is shedding its leave things, so i gotta take all of them off, and add nmore gravel so that they can all go in the ground,

i they alos look like they have eggs because the front near the mouth is kinda big, while the other females didnt have any.
show them a male maybe... i was once told that females need to see a male before they can fill with eggs.. not sure if this is true... but hey! why not !
they were near some males, and i got 2 males anyways, one for each of them,lol. I want to bread the green ones because they are bvoth the same color and ones a crowntail and ones a crowntail, but thyre really small,, but I herd that size doesnt matter with bettas

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