Do Rummy Noses React Badly To Water Changes?


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, UK

I got six rummy noses yesterday with a view to adding some more in a week or so. They were a bit shy at first and lost their 'rummy' nose and hid. I left the lights off for the remainder of the day and I was pleased to see them all out and about this morning when the lights came on. They looked great. I did a weekly water change this afternoon and they've lost their red nose again and seem to be hiding. I turned the lights off and they came straight out and are feeding fine but their colours are still very feint.

Do they always act like this at a water change? Tank stats are fine, water was de-chlorinated and at right temp etc.
I think they do. Mine only do the feint colors when I turn the lights off. But when I turn the lights on their back to normal.
When you do a water change do you accidentaly (spelling) tend to chase them around? If not then they'll probably get used to the water changes and know you mean them no harm.
They are quite skittish, and do stress up if something out of the ordinary happens. That said, there are 3 species of fish called "Rummy Noses" in the trade, and a lot depends on which you have.

Have a look at my post in this thread to try to determine what you have. H. bleheri is the easiest to keep in normal conditions. The blackwater species are much more sensitive as they already carry a good deal of stress from chemistry problems.
Going by the pictures I've seen of the three 'rummies' it's definitely blehri I have. The tail markings are the giveaway. They are still hiding this morning once the lights came on. I'll leave the lights on for now and try them again later. I think my hand in the tank syphoning has freaked them out. They come out when the lights are off and don't seem to be bothered by my presence at the front of the tank but as soon as the lights go on, woosh, they're off!
we've had rummys for a few years & found they used to be very shy but quickly settled down, they all have their own little patch of the tank & chase eachother away if anyone intrudes on this 'patch' but still at lights out or if im cleaning they will gather in a little shoal. im sure yours will settle, beautiful little fish & we've found ours to be little characters as well
They eventually came out last night and have been fine ever since. However, one isn't displaying much colour. I have checked him/her for visible signs of disease/distress but there's nothing obvious. Hopefully it will follow it's mates and colour up. They're very active little fishes and a great addition to the tank. I'm going to get 4 or 5 more next week.
rummynoses are the best fish for schooling as they hardly ever swim into plant thickets, preferring to swim in open water. so if your tank has areas of good plant growth and open water, thats where you'll find them. mine swim up and down at the front of the tank and in one small area to the right. their colours are much better in soft acidic water
In my experience the colour change on true rummy nose tetras is that it is above all cooling that triggers a rapid fading of colouration, shy behavior and susceptibility to disease. Might be the case on your water changing that you're chilling the tank too much?

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