Fish Crazy
Hi All, I've had tropical community tanks before but not rainbows. I have 3 red rainbowfish - I asked for 1 male and two female, and plan to add 3 x boesmans and 3x blues to the tank, along with some neon dwarf rainbows. I have a shoal of black neon tetras in there who are fairly large and are not bothered by the rainbows' frantic swimming, they all seem to shoal together.
Two questions - the rainbows are so active and the male displays and goes red when I have a lamp switched on next the tank, lighting it subtely, however when I switch the tank lights on - its a Fluval tank and has 1x day glo and 1x sun glo fluo bulbs, they sit on the bottom and don't swim much. The neons don't mind the light - does it bother rainbows?
Another question!!! Will the aggression/ chasing between teh rainbows calm down once I add more? I plan to add more in another week, as I've just added an external filter to help the internal one and want to wait until this is more established before increasing my stock level.
Thanks all
Two questions - the rainbows are so active and the male displays and goes red when I have a lamp switched on next the tank, lighting it subtely, however when I switch the tank lights on - its a Fluval tank and has 1x day glo and 1x sun glo fluo bulbs, they sit on the bottom and don't swim much. The neons don't mind the light - does it bother rainbows?
Another question!!! Will the aggression/ chasing between teh rainbows calm down once I add more? I plan to add more in another week, as I've just added an external filter to help the internal one and want to wait until this is more established before increasing my stock level.
Thanks all