Do Rainbows Hate Bright Light? And Another Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, UK
Hi All, I've had tropical community tanks before but not rainbows. I have 3 red rainbowfish - I asked for 1 male and two female, and plan to add 3 x boesmans and 3x blues to the tank, along with some neon dwarf rainbows. I have a shoal of black neon tetras in there who are fairly large and are not bothered by the rainbows' frantic swimming, they all seem to shoal together.

Two questions - the rainbows are so active and the male displays and goes red when I have a lamp switched on next the tank, lighting it subtely, however when I switch the tank lights on - its a Fluval tank and has 1x day glo and 1x sun glo fluo bulbs, they sit on the bottom and don't swim much. The neons don't mind the light - does it bother rainbows?

Another question!!! Will the aggression/ chasing between teh rainbows calm down once I add more? I plan to add more in another week, as I've just added an external filter to help the internal one and want to wait until this is more established before increasing my stock level.

Thanks all :D
Two questions - the rainbows are so active and the male displays and goes red when I have a lamp switched on next the tank, lighting it subtely, however when I switch the tank lights on - its a Fluval tank and has 1x day glo and 1x sun glo fluo bulbs, they sit on the bottom and don't swim much. The neons don't mind the light - does it bother rainbows?

I've never observed this behaviour to bright light. Or even if tank had lights off overnight and come on in the morning. Are the fish new to the tank ?

Another question!!! Will the aggression/ chasing between teh rainbows calm down once I add more? I plan to add more in another week, as I've just added an external filter to help the internal one and want to wait until this is more established before increasing my stock level.
No not really. In my opinion it's not as much aggression as it is their nature to play chase non-stop.

Quite important though - how many gallons is your tank and what is the length ?
As you know they do get fairly large and are incredibly fast - and will therefor need a minimum of 3ft. I always felt my 47.5 US gallon tank was too small for them. Even though they were the largest fish and my tank was relatively understocked.

The Boesmani Rainbows on the other hand I find less "active" (or manic) than the Red Rainbows.
Thanks :) yes they have only been in a couple of weeks and before that the neons were on their own with a couple of corys. The tank is 3ft long and is 18 inches tall. If they grow too large its not a problem as I'm sure wel'l be upgrading the tank in a few months anyway for a four foot one :shifty: I guessed it was all play and display as the females are quite peaceful but the male likes to harass them. I've not noticed any torn fins or ulcers so it can't be serious chasing.
Sounds fine and nothing to worry about :good: 3ft is fine, but they will definitely feel more at home in a 4ft :nod: especially as they mature to full size. Mine often swam so fast that they shot up and hit the lid of the tank - so never leave your lid open!

Take your stocking nice and slow in a new tank.

They are lovely fish though aren't they :wub:
:thumbs: Thanks for your help Bloo. Yes I am taking stocking very slow, will not be adding more stock for another couple of weeks, and it will be understocked too B) I would not take the risk of having the filters maxed out! I will get round to posting some pictures soon!

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