do pregnant neon tetras get fat?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi i have got a neon tetra that looks quite fat to me will she lay eggs, its not her whole body thats fat its just that she has a bulge!

i hope its eggs :p
neons don't get pregnant, they lay eggs.

i've never heard of them getting a bulge before laying eggs - and never heard of them spawning in captivity. But there's a first for everything
I hate to be an alarmist but, read up on neon tetra disease. It could be a deformity caused by NTD. Probably (and hopefully) not but keep an eye out for it. Several months ago I thought one of my neons looked like that, but it eventually died of what I believe was NTD. A second neon developed the same symptom and was euthanized. No problems since then. The fish started out just looking fat but as time went on it became obvious that it was caused by an internal problem as the bulge was not symetrical (worse on one side). The fish appeared to act normal for quite a while before losing colour and having trouble swimming.

Best of luck!
and never heard of them spawning in captivity. But there's a first for everything

Breeding neons isnt that hard.

Mine spawned/layed eggs the other day and my pH is 7-7.2!
I have a group of 10 tetras that are constantly laying eggs. I have yet to see any fry, but that does not mean that they are not there. Mine start to look a little fat then they develope a point on the underside of thier belly that the eggs drop from. When I see the point that means the eggs are going to be dropped that day.

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