Do Plecs Outwiegh Their Production?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
Plecs that help to keep a tank cleaned of algae and scraps of food, does their waste production outweigh their usefulness to aid keeping tank tidy?

Also can anyone recommended a well armoured catfish for a 100g?
TBH i think the easiest way to keep a tank clean is clean it your self. Some plecs like BNs will when there small but once they get only they seem to stop wanting to eat algae. IME they make just as much waste as the clean so its up to you weather you want to be doing lots of gravel vacing or scrubbing the sides of the tank. Saying all that i still love all my bns and for me its worth having to vac the sand alot but then i dont keep them because i keep them to keep the tank clean. If its for the snake head tank then a BN will work or a L066/king tiger plec. The L066 might be a good option because they need a meaty diet which means they will do good cleaning up any scrap meat left by the snackheads.
If you want a clean tank, dont have a pleco :lol:
Amen to that Star4, thats exactly the reason i got rid of mine to be fair :) I was fed up of the bioload i had in my tank, and the plecs were probably one of the highest contributors to it. Otto's and/or Japonica shrimp are by far the best algae eaters i know of. I pick them hands down every time, they do wonders on my planted tank. Certainly would never buy a plec ever again for the presumption it'll be an algae cleaner though.
Thanks for that guys, it is good to know, my only experience was of a bristlenose which was pretty small. I do clean weekly it was just a wondering thing I guess :lol: I guess I was thinking for the snakehead tank due to lack water changes but as has fairly been pointed out adding plec may add to the problems!
I wouldnt say it may, i say it would :lol:
Agree 100% I have a common plec and a huge L001 - both their tanks need a weekly gravel vac and big water changes to keep the water clear and clean AND filter sponges rinsed at least every 2 weeks. You won't believe the amount of debris/poo...but I love them dearly and would never part with them. Plecs have great character!

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