do platies need to be in 2s?

I think a Platy would prefer having some other Platies around. One male and two females is a good combination if you want them to breed ;). It's good to have more than one females per each male, so they get some rest when the males keep chasing them around :lol:
Or just keep two female sor male and female but the female may get a bit to harassed, depends on the male -_- some are less sex crazed :crazy: :/ maybe u could get 2 platies and two guppies :D
Just having one male or one female definitely is not a good idea - at least mine acts very lonely, stays hidden most of the time.

One male and at least two females is the way to go. Even with this setup, some males might decide to harrass one particular female more, which is what happened to mine to the point where she became sick. Next time, I'll go with one male and three females just to be safe! :D

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