Do Not Put Cories with Tiger Barbs

Iron Man

Fish Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, SC USA
Just a warning as to be very careful what you put with tiger barbs. I was afraid I was going to have this problem with them and I have. I recently purchased 14 tiger barbs and 6 cory catfish...and I was going to put 8 dwarf neon blue rainbow fish in there as the "crown fish". Now I'm going to scrap the whole idea.

The cories can't school like I want them to...and most importantly of all....they're miserable. The tiger barbs won't let them come out of the "hole" each one has found in various rock formations in my 55 gallon without harassing/picking them to death.

I have been told by everyone that tiger barbs are so peaceful if put with enough of their own kind. I think 14 should be enough. The only time I was successful with tiger barbs is when I had them in with african cichlids...and then I was worried about the tiger barbs being the ones to get massacred. :crazy:

I started to put african cichlids back in this tank to start with.....and I think I'm going to do that after I take all these fish back.

I should be the "preferred customer" at this lfs by now. :whistle:
no offence but i dont get why people buy tiger barbs lol there known to pick on other fish and nip them why not a different type of barb like a pentazona or sumink that looks like a tiger barb there just waaaay more peaceful!
hmm thats a good point, i started with 3 and they never cause problems they only nipped among themselves. But that still annoyed me cuz i would always think one of them would get hurt. I would return them for sumthin else but for sum reason pet smart doesnt allow u to give back fishes even tho u dont want them anymore.
why not get a clown loaches they looks better then tiber bar not to mention alot more peaceful :)
For me, tiger barbs were the sole survivors out of the original "Noah's arc" stocking my family did. I ended up with about seven total. I bred them and ended up with around 20 survivors.

To me they are an attractive, unique schooling fish. Just as with other aggressive fish there needs to be some research done to ensure tank mates will not be harmed.

To Iron:
As I suggested in the other thread - there are only certain fish that will work with tiger barbs. Corydoras can sometimes work but there is always the possibility you will have problems. Sometimes there are "rogue" tiger barbs that are more aggressive and nippy no matter how many mates they have.

If tiger barbs are going to be the centre piece of your 55 gallon tank then I would keep only tiger barbs in the tank initially. Although it's usually best to introduce them last for territorial reasons, you already have them so go with just barbs for now. Try adding compatible fish after a little while, maybe some equally aggressive fish like rainbow sharks, etc.
BOD said:
no offence but i dont get why people buy tiger barbs lol there known to pick on other fish and nip them why not a different type of barb like a pentazona or sumink that looks like a tiger barb there just waaaay more peaceful!
Good point...But, pentoza barbs etc are not as readily available as Tiger barbs which makes them soo common in the hobby.

ahh yea i spose there is that factor -_-
Well I always thought they were terrific looking fish and love their antics/schooling. They're very entertaining fish...I just wished with all the genetic manipulation that goes on with animals.....they could have bred the meaness out of this particular fish. It would be one of the most popular if they would have.

But I have now learned my lesson. I'll never have tiger barbs again. :-(
:) well i have had success with my 4 tiger barbs. I have them in a 50 gallon with 2 Long fin rosy barbs, 3 Long fin tetras, 1 tin foil barb and many others. I have yet to have any finn nipping. What you do need to do is have a small number of tiger barbs and a large aquarium if you want success. Just though t i would share.
Iron Man said:
I just wished with all the genetic manipulation that goes on with animals.....they could have bred the meaness out of this particular fish.

Yes, it is too bad. I know that Bulldogs used to be ferocious animals used to latch onto the noses of bulls for the baiting sport. Many other breeds that are docile today used to be unsuitable for family pets. My own breed falls into that classification, but even I in just 15 years of selective breeding have retained the herding ability without the nasty temperament. So I think it could be possible in fish

i totally disagree with negative comments about tiger barbs :dunno:
ive had more problems with sharks and even tetras then my tigers.I had my original 5 for 2years bevfore getting some green ones to go with them.they have never attacked or chaced any of my fish about and get on great with my albino cories and even shoal with my loan platie!they have bags of personality.
they are definatley one of my fave fish!

i guess it just depends.............but not all tigers are bad :lol:

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