Do Nipped Fins Replenish?


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
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Some of my fish have suffered the dreaded 'fin nip' from fellow inmates! Do they replenish of is it like losing a limb?

As mentioned above, clean water will definitely help the fins grow back and help prevent infection.

To go one step further, Melafix will speed the process up and fight against any infections while the fins heal.
What stocking do you have as with some fish it helps to up their numbers then they tend to keep to themselves rather than nip others?

Plenty of water changes will help them heal but of course youhave to fix the nipping problem or it will never get better.
What stocking do you have as with some fish it helps to up their numbers then they tend to keep to themselves rather than nip others?

Plenty of water changes will help them heal but of course youhave to fix the nipping problem or it will never get better.
It's the 5x werneri rainbows who are suffering - mainly the lower fin and a couple of lower parts of the tails. Other fish are 8x Neons, 3x Cory Doras, Male Betta (who I think is doing it!), 4x shrimp and a few snails.
What stocking do you have as with some fish it helps to up their numbers then they tend to keep to themselves rather than nip others?

Plenty of water changes will help them heal but of course youhave to fix the nipping problem or it will never get better.
It's the 5x werneri rainbows who are suffering - mainly the lower fin and a couple of lower parts of the tails. Other fish are 8x Neons, 3x Cory Doras, Male Betta (who I think is doing it!), 4x shrimp and a few snails.

Could you isolate the Betta until the rainbows are better?
Its the Betta - best to re-home him - even if you get them healed he will probably continue to nip. Its best not to keep any long finned fish with Bettas as they see them as a threat.
You can expect to see fins heal in about a week if two conditions are met. First, the water is kept pristine. Second, the cause of the fin damage is removed.
Its the Betta - best to re-home him - even if you get them healed he will probably continue to nip. Its best not to keep any long finned fish with Bettas as they see them as a threat.
Mmmm, more ill advice from the shop hen - I already took the Dwarf Gourami, Hatchets, Pencils and Guppie back cos Gourami was nipping others, (Betta always been there) already lost 2 Pencils. Ironically I changed them for the Rainbows. They told me not to listen to forums cos never know where the advice is coming from!!! When I specifically asked if the Rainbows would be OK with the Betta, they reassured me they would!! Great advice eh!! Told me they'd never ill advise cos been in business 20 yrs.

Have nowhere to house the Betta until fins heal, probably end up taking the rainbows back! Or, if I got rid of the Betta, what other larger fish would be OK as I like the idea of one large one (can't be bigger than 2" tho as that's the width of the wall tank)?
A lot of good advice on this forum. It can be trusted if you read a cross-section of opinions.

I have a beautiful, characterful red-tailed black shark that had its tail nipped to buggery.

Then, when the decorators in my absence unplugged my heater and forgot to plug it back in, it was found barely alive and listing at the bottom of the tank with all its tank-mates dead.

Now, tail all grown back, fins perfect and he's as well as can be.

In fact, I'm a little in love with him as he's a beautiful specimen of fish-hood.

Unless, of course, you try to swim in his territory at the bottom of the tank and you're a platy or danio and there's food pellets on offer.
the members of this forum have nothing to lose,or to gain, by giving advice. The shop meanwhile ... well there's money, custom etc.

I think we've all had both good advice and bad advice (not the mention the terrible advice) from fish stores. It never harms to ask lots of questions from both the fish stores and the forums before buying any fish. A little bit of common sense added to the advice and you'll get it right.

I know a lot of people love betta's but they can be trouble if you get their tank mates wrong.

Hope your fishes fins grow back and you manage to solve the issues with nipping

:good: :)
I've had a mild case of nipped fins on my swordie female (back fin 3 times and tail tip once), and it just gets fixed right up within a day. This happens usually when she fights with the male over some new decor. So if water is good enough and the fish is healthy, nipped fins heal quite fast.
You can expect to see fins heal in about a week if two conditions are met. First, the water is kept pristine. Second, the cause of the fin damage is removed.

I agree! My male guppy lost most of his tail in a tank with angels, now in a new tank he is doing much better and it is growing back nicely
Thx for all you help here guys, but the plot thickens!!

Indeed, the fins seem to be growing back on the Rainbows, but last week I noticed the Betta has now had half its beautiful fins removed! It nearly looks like a female it's that severe! I've also lost one of the neons - all 8 had no sign of fins nipping and I presumed wouldn't be targets as they don't have longer fins so dunno why all of a sudden one was attacked, I literally saw his wee body floating around, eyes removed, the lot! I just want a happy taking and Not sure why. I've mentioned the stock in this thread, but for ease/ref, here it is:

35L wall tank containing
1x Female Betta
8 (now 7!) x Tetra Neons
5x Rainbow Werneris
3x Cory Doras
2x Algae Shrimp
2x small red shrimp
1 large snail + a few babies hatched from eggs plants

Now this should be a happy tank right??? As mentioned, I had to get rid of a Gourami as him and the Betta were fighting, the G was attacking everything. Was assured what I now have will be fine!



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