Do Nerite Snails Go Walkies?


New Member
May 24, 2006
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Derby, UK
I'm setting up a planted iwagumi nano, with my tank being rimless i need to know if a nerite snail would take a wander and end up sitting on the sofa watching loose women while i slave away at work??

the only reason i have for get a nerite is algae purposes, are there other snails that do algae and i wouldn't find drinking my lager at 3am in the morning?
Nerite snails can go walkies. However, if Linda Bellingham or Jane Macdonald are presenting the Nerite snail has be known to stay in the tank.

but seriously they can escape by all accounts.
They go loopy for Andrea McClean, then switch to BBC for Doctors......

thanks, i imagine all snails will be the same, i might risk it in the hope he won't stray to far from the tank?????? :/ :crazy: :crazy: :sick:
well, at least you can follow the trail. They will also hide when Jeremy Kyle is on, unless you get a common Nerite snail.
I don't think they'll leave the tank just for the sake of it... I think they'll only venture out if the conditions are bad?

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