Do LFS's take fry?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
SPokane, Washington
Im abou8t to move and im going to drain my tank quite a bit but the fry are not big enough to be in with the adult mollies, i have 11 and if they took them would i get anything out of it?
Probably not. Most pets stores that I know of wouldn't buy any size fish (might take them w/o credit). Since they are fry, I doubt that those who do buy them will give you anything. I hope you fare better than I (I'm trying to sell my Platy fry). :D
it depends. you'd have to call all the lfs in your area and ask them. some will take fish but no credit or cash (they usually quarantine them), some will give you store credit. varies by store and by fish (one lfs said they wouldn't take most fish, but they might take some of my mollies since these are popular fish that sell quickly, another said they'd take them off my hands but due to being a common and cheap fish, they wouldn't be able to give me much in the way of store credit). and most places won't take them until they are at least an inch or larger. just make some phone calls.
tru but what else can you do with them huh? euthenise thats not nice is it
:cool: im looking to by some fry let me know what you want to do,

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