Do I or don't I need air,


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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I got a 55 gal tank last night(b-day present from husband)...I went to go buy the bubble wands to put in the bottom of the tank...lfs is telling me i do not need that, cause the filter adds enough air to the water...hmmmmm :unsure: what do u all think? should I not get the bubble wand or not?
I would put a stone of some sort in there, especially in a 55 gallon, i would say get at least two sand stones for o2 supply,
I have 1 in my 10 gallon and 1 in my 5 gallon. Not enough o2 will smother the fish....

Go For It, and congrats on the new tank...

well an air wand wouldn't hurt anything, but without one in that big of a tank it just might hurt them....
better to be safe than sorry, plus their aesthetically pleasing. ;)
I put a air curtain in my tank and I think it looks fab. It sits along the back wall and adds a pleasing effect in the tank.

My lfs says the filter is enough, but I wanted to give more. Its great for the fish, its comforting to me to know they have enough oxygen and they all seem to enjoy swimming up and down through the bubbles. :D :D
sorry people but air stones should be regarded as tank decoration in filtered tanks.

The filter will provide the surface movement that is what gets the O2 into the water.

I dont have any airstones in any of our tanks. all they do it to move the water about (same as the output from the filter).
The filter will provide the surface movement that is what gets the O2 into the water.

I hear what you are saying but, what if the filter is not aimed toward the surface, how does it provide surface movement. Also surely anything that produces bubbles in the water that then break at the surface do provide extra oxygen.

I am not suggesting that filters do not provide enough, :S I agree that they may be all that is needed, :D however I do believe that bubbles produced in the water do help give extra oxygen, :D :D it all helps.
skimpy said:
The filter will provide the surface movement that is what gets the O2 into the water.

I hear what you are saying but, what if the filter is not aimed toward the surface, how does it provide surface movement. Also surely anything that produces bubbles in the water that then break at the surface do provide extra oxygen.

I am not suggesting that filters do not provide enough, :S I agree that they may be all that is needed, :D however I do believe that bubbles produced in the water do help give extra oxygen, :D :D it all helps.
yep it will help... but is likely to be un nessasary.

Fish like playing in the bubbles and they provide movement in the tank - so if you like them get one ;)

If there is a current in the tank the water at the surface will move.
Does flake food move round the surface?
If not then the air will move the surface and will help the O2 situation. but its nothing the filter cant do if you want it to.
hi. I've got a 40g (on my sig) it's slightly or maybe a lot I don't know, but it's overcrowded but my point is that if my bubbles stop going for even a few hours (it stopped over night once) all my fish run out of oxygen and come to the top. It was really upsetting coz my other pump is really weak and wouldn't give enough bubbles and there was nothing i could do. They're all alright tho, I mac gyvered (spelling?) the pump so it goes now.
So yeah, you do need air of some kind. I don't reckon my filter puts any oxygen in my tank.
HTH. And have fun with your fishies. What are you going to get????? livebearers are cool!!!
canarsie11 said:
Get one for your tank. There are more pros to having it than cons!
actually, if you have a planted tank there are more cons than pros...

The bubbled O2 strips the water of usable nutrients etc so the plants cant get them...
ya i think u should put in additional airation...thats a big tank. bubble wands distribute air very well..i have them in both of my tanks, they also look super, and my fish love to play in it! :)

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