Do I Need To Sterilize My Tank?


New Member
Sep 2, 2006
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So, I've kind of hit a quandry. I set up a new 30l tank just after Christmas, stuck in plants, rocks, some filter media from my other tank and started fishless cycling it. The nitrite finally went down last week, so I did a water change, got my boy on Saturday. Noticed little white dots that evening and started treating him for ich (Interpet #6 Whitespot+) on Sunday (he looked healthy in the store :/ and the water quality was fine.. [0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, nitrate there but low]) I put the second dose of ich medication in on Thursday, but came in that evening to find him dead at the top of the tank.

I'm going to get another betta, but I obviously don't want them to get ill as well. How long can ich stay alive in the tank without fish? Do I have to dismantle everything to make sure there are no cysts in the gravel? I'd rather not if possible because I'm sure I'd manage to kill off all the plants in the process and cycling the tank again would be a pain, but I will if necessary.

er, I may have overdone the parentheses there :blush: didn't want to leave anything out..
the whitespot parasite dies within 2 days without a host. However, it takes a few days for cysts to hatch out and become free swimming. If you can leave the tank for a week it should be fine. Also if you crank up the temperature to 32C it will help speed things along. Add a bit of food to the tank each day to keep the filters alive. In a weeks time turn the heater down to 24C or whatever you had it on and do a 90% water change. Then go get another fish. The big water change is simply to dilute any nutrients in the water.
thanks :)
hopefully I'll have better luck next time :/ I might use the tank as a quarantine tank for some new endlers before getting another betta, I want to add some more of them without screwing up my other tank.
You should probably get some new gravel and fake/real plants, being that they might carry some of the bacteria. Sterilize the tank completley in some hot water a few times and wait a week. Things should be good by then.
To prevent another Ich outbreak, buy some aquarium salt that is safe for bettas. It kills bacteria and gives your betta less of a chance of getting sick.
It will take much longer than a week. Most cysts hatch quickly but some lay dormant for a longer period. I've heard up to 4-8 weeks.

Since you have very little invested, it is much better to sterilize it and go on from there.
Sterilising isn't necessary, or buying new gravel for that matter.

I would recommend that you should finish the whitespot treatment whilst adding a bit of ammonia every day to keep the bacteria alive. Once the treatment is finished, remove the meds (and nitrate) with a big water change and get a new fish.

Stripping the tank is overkill. If you had an established tank which got a whitespot outbreak, would you strip down the tank and start again? I certainly don't. Just treat with meds and that's it.

I have never seen any evidence to back up that whitespot can have a dormant period without a host. It seems to be a myth. 24 - 48 hours is enough time to ensure it is dead, especially if you continue the medications.

Cheers :good:


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