Do I Need To Go Shopping?


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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HI there,

So, here is everything you need to know about my tank

Dimensions 52" long, 18" tall, 17" deep.
Full set of ADA substrate
decor: Nice big bit of bogwood in there too, with a couple big bits of granite
Lights: 2 x 54W T5 (These) I know that they could be better as these share a reflector. They sit 6 inches above my tank, and hence, a total of 2 foot above the substrate
I have a Tetratec EX1200 filter, spray bar at one end, and inflow at the other end of the tank
I have a very expensive CO2 kit - 3Kg bottle, all glass ware.

So my question is, what do i need to get to make my high tech planted tank work? I know for a start i only have 7x filtration. Do i need more filtration? Or can i just bump it up by adding a water pump to move the water around. Should i get two smaller ones (say 1500L/h each) or one that does 3000L/h?

Lights, i have been told that what i have should be ok? Thought i may want to increase to another T5 the same, so that i'd have 3.

Opinions please!

Big Bad Barry?! I hope you are reading this? :p
A bit off-topic but what do you think of the Glo system? I am thinking of getting it myself, but it seems quite cheap compared to other systems. Is it sturdy etc.?
Well i have a custom tank, so was struggling to get something to hold my lights. I had a wooden frame top before, but it was rotten with the heat. I saw these, and gave Seapets a call - they are always helpful! The other light units are SO much more expensive, and i dont see why! This unit was fine for me. I didnt want it suspended (as i have pet parrots, and that would confuse them) so looked at ones which attach to the tank. As i dont have the money after buying everything else, and i could not see the point in getting a unit which cost into the thousands, i went for it.

What do i think - well, it was easy to put together, there is one big screw on each side which clamps it to the tank. There is then a plastic cover which goes over this to hide it. It looks sleek when its on the tank, and hey, it produces light!

I am not an expert on lighting by FAR! But what i have heard, is the major downfall of this is that both the lights are next to each other, and use the same reflector, so the amount of light reflected downward is not optimal. I do not know how much this will effect or hinder the aquariums over all light.

To summarise, as far as i can see, its worth the money! Looks good, sturdy, easy to attach to aquarium, produces light :p Negatives: only one reflector for both lights

Maybe not much help as i dont know much about lights. But if you have the same questions i have "is it going to be really badly made" then the answer is no
to answer you question (as i have in another thread ;) ) you don't need to up the filtration, you need to up the flow. Which can be done via the help of a powerhead, i did mention a koralia in another thread. I would probably get the one 3000lph, and then position accordingly. I would go adding more light until you know you can grow plants under the conditions you will be creating.
to answer you question (as i have in another thread ;) ) you don't need to up the filtration, you need to up the flow. Which can be done via the help of a powerhead, i did mention a koralia in another thread. I would probably get the one 3000lph, and then position accordingly. I would go adding more light until you know you can grow plants under the conditions you will be creating.

Thanks Ianho. I realise you answered that part, but i thought i would post more general asking while giving exact info about my tank. I agree and understand that it is not all about filtration, but i was unsure about the fact i would then have very little filtration, while still having my 15x turnover. I wanted to see If i should be looking at bumping my my filter a bit as well as getting a koralia. Didnt ignore you, honest!

Also, gonna stick with my lights for now, as i cannot afford anymore haha. But i worry about the reflector issue. Hmm, i am sure the proof will be in the pudding!

I was wondering if anybody had any more comments about my set up? Do i seem good to go? Once i am cycled of course!

Thanks for the help
are you doing a silent cycle?

If so, remember to plant heavily, cranck the C02 up to get thhings kicked off, follow Dave Spencer's advice and you should be fine. :good:

I would also add the reflectors.
nope, not doing silent cycle. I am running the ammonia cycle just now (fishless cycling) then i plan to plant, and then add fish within a day or 2.

The lights have reflectors, but the issue is that they are built in, and both lights share the same one.

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