Do I Need To Cycle A Birthing Tank?

You don't necessarily need to cycle a fry tank,has long has you do large daily waterchanges & don't overfeed,usually best to have a sponge filter up and running on the fry tank which hopefully will cycle at the rate the fry growing.

You will still need to test the water,has any build up of ammonia/nitrite will be very harmful to young fry.
If you use a birthing tank (which I think is the best way to breed livebearers)
You wont to get a small sponge filter and keep it in your main tank when you are ready to use the birthing tank you can take water from your main tank and add the sponge filter top your main tank up that’s the water change for that tank now top up the birthing tank with clean water slowly say 2 ltrs per day and then that’s your birthing tank cycled and up and running
I must agree with C4arl. The filter kept in a regular tank will have some ability to take care of the female during the wait and can quickly grow to accommodate the fry. I find a 10 gallon, 37 litres, tank is about right to keep the female comfortable and have room in it for the growing fry. Another option, between drops that you decide to save, is to put a bit of ammonia into the empty tank daily just to keep the filter bacteria alive and thriving.

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