Do I Need Kno3 And Kh2po4


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there,

I am running DIY CO2 and root tabs and 2 Aussie made liquid ferts called dino spit and dino pee they consist of gluteraldehyde, nitrogen, potassium magnesium iron molybdenum manganese boron zinc and copper do I need to add KNO3 and KH2PO4 or are they already being added (failed chem at school lol)

Regards Darren
you should add kh2po4 as it seems the ferts you dose dont add phosphate, the ferts you dose already add nitrogen and potassium so i doubt you would need kno3, but saying that it probably wouldnt hurt, what is your tank size, and lighting level, also stocking density and plants would be useful.
If you gon on to add KNO3 and KH2PO4 then you will be doing EI dosing almost, if the plants are doing well enough then just leave it.

But follow fozziebears advice aswell.
Thanks all, stats are

Tanks size 130 liter (31 gallon)
Fish 3 R/N tetras, 1 Yellow Panchax, 2 B/N Catfish
Lights 2 x 20w compact fluros
Diy CO2
Ferts I am using are in the links I have provided

Plants would be easier to show you, see pic below

to be honest i shouldnt think you should need to dose anything else, what is your diy co2 setup? if you want you could dose a low amount of phosphate just to make your dosing regimen complete.
My DIY CO2 is 2 x 2liter bottles recipe is 2 cups of sugar 1x4gram sachel of bakers yeast filled to 10cm from the top with rain/tank water I change the mixture for a new batch in 1 bottle every 2 weeks and it runs through a little filter and spray bar to create a tiny mist of bubbles

to be honest i shouldnt think you should need to dose anything else, what is your diy co2 setup? if you want you could dose a low amount of phosphate just to make your dosing regimen complete.
well your setup sounds fine for your lighting levels, i'd say get some kh2po4 and dose that at a low level (say half your tank size on the EI dosing sticky in this forum) and keep dosing that dinosaur range, add some more plants to increase the bioload, and your laughing, cant really say anymore than that.
You don't need to know if there is phosphate in the dino****. You need to know if it contains phophorus.

Plants don't actually feed on nitrate or phosphate they use NPK = N-Nitrogen, P-Phosphorus, K-Potassium.

So if the off the shelf has some form of phosphorus you already have the P

As per posts above though. If the plants are doing OK, don't worry.

isnt kh2po4 just salt of phosphoric acid though? its just adds phosphorus and potassium? also i dont think the dino pee is a source of phosphorus, like you said he doesnt need to dose it, but it wouldnt hurt and the plants would appreiciate it.
KH2PO4 is Potassium Phopshate. The phosphate in this contains phosphorus. Garden fertilisers also use phosphate to add their phophorus too. I guess its cheaper and more stable in this form than others. Not into chemistry so couldn't answer this one.


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