Do I Need Co2?


New Member
Apr 3, 2011
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UK, Cornwall
I have a planted tank and just wondered why the need for co2? I take it the need for co2 is because the fish in the tank are not producing enough for the plants to survive, but how would I know I have co2 starvation can some one tell me the signs to look out for. Thanks
I'll be interested in experienced responses. I'm doing without CO2, but just started adding Seachem Flourish twice a week to help my plants out a bit.
but how would I know I have co2 starvation can some one tell me the signs to look out for. Thanks

Holes in leaves - Melting leaves...anything that would look like a plant is missing the Carbon building blocks to keep it together.

Whether you need it or not really depends on how you run your tank...if you run it with high light that will get the plants motor's running they'll be needing food and CO2.....and if one runs out something will give out.
Same for low light tanks...but more room for manoeuvre, things happen slower etc. There's loads of stuff out there to read up on, then just decide where your tank is or where you'd like it to be in the future........ :good:

how many watts do you have and what size tank do you have?

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