Do I Need Another One?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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I have a 46 gal tank it model aquarium 620. I have a pleco and 3 goldies. There is alot of algea and i have the pleco in the tank which he cant clen them all the time. SHould i add for him another pleco, or what would u advise to have with him, btw we only have a common pleco here should i get another one or i will stay on one.
Hi mate,

Well as for another no, you tank isn't big enough for a common plec, as they grow to lengths up to 2feet. They are also tropical fish, NOT cold water like the gold fish.

Algae is not easily solved with plecs and very nearly never solved using plecs.

What algae do you have?

- Brown Sludge Algae
- Hair Algae
- Green Algae
- Green water

This information will help us to help you.

I'd get rid of the plec before it gets too big as you wont be able to get rid of it when its huge and it will just die :(
Its brown algea sorrywe dont have any algea eater.

Brown Sludge algae is caused by high phosphates in the water.

How much do you feed your fish? Try cutting down the amount you feed, and increase the water changes.

You may also want to try a phosphate removal kit from your LFS.

Definatly get rid of your plec, as its not coldwater and with probably die, and if it does live it will grow TOO big for your tank, and cant live on algae alone.

I think hillstream loaches will eat the algae, but you will need to add food for them as well, such as algae wafers.
I would suggest a group of about 5 hillstream loaches for your tank.
I have a heater in the tank, I told u we only ave pleco. I am living in lebanon we dont have many kinds of fish. I am decreaseing the amount of feeding. I feed my fish once every 2 days.
I have a heater in the tank, I told u we only ave pleco. I am living in lebanon we dont have many kinds of fish. I am decreaseing the amount of feeding. I feed my fish once every 2 days.

Ok in your first post you say you have Goldies? which I take as you having goldfish.

Even if you only have your pleco, then your tank isnt big enough :(

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