Do I Need A Skimmer?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
quick quastion here guys,do i need a skimmer ? or will my 1200 l/h filter with ammonia removing media and bioballs be ok ? nad 10kg of live rock in a 38G tank ?

my filter blows water down the back of the tank over the live rock ? that enough flow ? u can see the flow on the rock and on top of the water ? that strong enough ? or to strong for fish ?
thats around 300 gph for the filter, which gives less than 10x turnover, if i would you i would get an extra powerhead because you may want more flow and also use as a backup if the filter breaks then you can always have the powerhead to use and vise versa.

BTW dont use ammonia removers and dont use bio-balls, use phosphate removers and/or if you want, a small amount of carbon or chemi-pure or purigen.

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