Do I need a second filter?


New Member
Jan 6, 2021
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I have a 36 gal tank with a canister filter. It is a pen plex cascade 500 115 gph, the tank has 6 zebras, three guppies one cory cat and three live plants, one lucky bamboo and two sword plants. It has been set up since Dec 23, empty for two weeks then the zebras added and the guppies and cory a week later. Last four days the water has been cloudy, I did a water change and it did not help so I was going to clean the filter and it is not at all dirty but the filter is suppose to be for a 30 gal. So should I get another filter to add and cover the extra 6 gallons or is what I have enough to cover it? P.S when I say cloudy I don't mean so cloudy I can not see them, just the water is not crystal clear as it should be.
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Personally i would add another filter bigger than what you need, Just to be sure you are getting the best filtration.
Also if you do decide to buy a new filter put it in the tank with new and old filter running for a couple of weeks to get the new filter established. Dont worry you cant over filter your water
I have used smaller filters than required in the past but never really had cloudy water, Do you have sand substrate? If so have you washed it before adding it to the tank?
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Personally i would add another filter bigger than what you need, Just to be sure you are getting the best filtration.
Also if you do decide to buy a new filter put it in the tank with new and old filter running for a couple of weeks to get the new filter established. Dont worry you cant over filter your water
I have used smaller filters than required in the past but never really had cloudy water, Do you have sand substrate? If so have you washed it before adding it to the tank?
I do have some sand but it was washed until my fingers were sore, ha. It is also a very small amount, less then a half inch on about 1/4 of the tank, the rest of the tank is gravel, I do have a lot of gravel though, maybe 4 to 5 inch in some places at the back and corner. Think I should remove some of it?
I’d just buy one filter that turns yiur tank over enough per hour and just use that one , use the old filter media and yiur good
A single Cory won’t thrive it really needs friends the more the better .
Sand would be better for your cory
You just set it up on Dec 23 that is less than three weeks ago. You should have never added fish so soon, but as long as they are ok then your ok. Yeah you should expect a bacterial bloom and milky water at this time it the life cycle or infancy of your aquarium. It is not the type of bacterial bloom you need for Beneficial Bacteria but it is harmless all the same and will clear up on its own.

Do you have a good water test kit?

A tip on cleaning sand or just about any substrates, see if you can borrow or procure a wheel barrel. I wash all my substrates using a wheel barrel and it is way easier than a bucket or any thing else. Much faster too.

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