Do i need a light?


Feb 24, 2004
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Yorkshire (UK)
Hi everyone,just wondering do all tanks have to have a light?i have just had to move a male Better out of my comunity tank it was getting bullied,i have put it into a spare tank i had which has a heater and filter in there but no light.problem is there is no where on the tank hood to put a light,i did want to put a couple of small corys in there with him but dont know cos of the light sittuation.I have some plants in there and gravel,and the tank is in a fairly bright position.What do you think would it be ok or is there some kind of attatchable light i could get?
Cheers Sue :unsure:
IMO your fish will be fine with no light. Cory's have very sensitive eyes and do not like light much anyways. Doesn't mean they should be in constant darkness, but you mentioned you had them in a bright spot. When you said you have plants in there as long as you mean fake plants you should be fine! :D
I have recenlty had to move a female krib ino her own tank and it has no light either. I got round this by using an office type lamp (the ones with the bendy 'stem') and directed it along the back (not in the tank). It looks good, a nice glow for Missy.

Hope this helps. :)
Cheese Specialist said:
I have recenlty had to move a female krib ino her own tank and it has no light either. I got round this by using an office type lamp (the ones with the bendy 'stem') and directed it along the back (not in the tank). It looks good, a nice glow for Missy.

Hope this helps. :)
I have one of those lamps i might give it a try .Thanks miss cheese :nod:

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