Do I Have Room For Any More Fish?

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New Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I have a 64 litre tank with:

5 Black Phantom Tetras
5 Glow Light Tetras
3 Male Guppies
2 Bolivian Rams
2 Peppered Corydora

I am hoping to sell the Guppies but wondered if I have any more room for either some more Black Phantoms or some Neons?
I would not be looking to get another species in there as it's quite full, but maybe up those cory to 6 when the guppies go? Corys like to be in large numbers and 6 is the suggested minimum (same with your tetra).
Oh Okay. I've noticed one of the cory's chasing the black phantom's a few times, is that normal? I have fallen in love with the black phantoms, perhaps in my next tank I shall get a big group of them.

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