Do I have Ich?


New Member
Jul 27, 2004
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My Silver Hacket Fish has a white dot on the top of its head, and my white cloud minnows scrape against the plants and rocks. The Guppies don't scrape, or my algae eater, and my Scissor Tail did it once, but it might just have an itch (not ich one). I want to make sure before I dump chemicals into the water.
sounds like you may have ich then. I would do a 25% water change right away and do a gravel vac as well. There are various meds available for this. What size is the tank and what other fish are in the tank? On top of the med you should do a water change and gravel vac daily until the spots are gone and then for a week after. How long has the tank been set up and has it cycled?
That's all the fish, but I have a crab. It's a ten gallon and the tank has been up for about 1 1/2, and I don't think it has been cycled.

The spot doesn't look like the ones in the picture in the disase thread.

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