Do I have any more space in my tank?


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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Hi there,
I have a 29 gallon with a Penguin 330 filter and the fish I have in it are:
1 Bristlenose pleco (2inch)
1 Opaline gourami (male 3.5inch)
1 Gold gourami (female 2.5inch)
2 Albino cories
2 Panda cories
5 Male guppies
2 Singapore wood shrimp

Now the reason why I ask whether I have enough space is because I was contemplating adding another female gourami. Now I was thinking of doing this because the male gourami has been picking on the female and I wanted another gourami so that I could distribute the bullying.


Can someone give me a soltution to lessen the bullying?


It's not the amount of water that is the main worry when stocking your tank. The main concern should be the surface area. What size is your tank?
ie. You may have a tank 60"X60" and a depth of 6" (exaggerated I know) or a tank that is 12"X12" and 60" deep. Which is the better tank? If your choice was the first then you know what I mean. So it's surface area that is the crucial element.

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