Do I Have A Pair Of Blue Rams?


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan - The Great Lake State
As you may of seen in a previous post, I purchased two rams a couple of weeks ago. I believe I have a male and female based on their fins and coloring. What do you think I have?

They both also have a similar looking thing-a-ma-jigger (reproductive organ?) between their pelvic and anal fins. Would it look the same on a male and female?

Any other comments would be appreciated. :)

the one on the left is male the other female (I THINK)

nice looking rams :good:
I'll say it look's like a pair.

The ovipositer (thing-a-ma-jigger) in the females should be longer than the male, but as I've never keped/breed rams I'm not totaly sure with them.
Looks to me like a pair, see the black spot area on the one on the left does not have any blue spots over it, the black spot in the one on the right is not visible due to the spots. Shapes seem right aswell and the one on the right does appear to be getting a pink belly.
Sorry, But I think you've got two females. The one on the left looks like a male, but by looking at the body shape and fins and ovipositer (egg releasing tube) is too blunt and fat for a male, it looks like a girl. plus you can sorta see pink on it's belly. I'm 100% sure they are both girls.
Sorry, But I think you've got two females. The one on the left looks like a male, but by looking at the body shape and fins and ovipositer (egg releasing tube) is too blunt and fat for a male, it looks like a girl. plus you can sorta see pink on it's belly. I'm 100% sure they are both girls.
That's a bummer. The LFS must have had regular and long-fins mixed in the same tank. :(
you have a pair. mine look exactly like them n i have a pair. my male even has pink on his belly, well more a purple. but you have a pair.
That's a bummer. The LFS must have had regular and long-fins mixed in the same tank. :(
No, it's not that the fins are too long, as they get older, normal (non-longfinned) rams fins will start to grow out long (but not as long as the long-fin type), and if it was a male, the dorsal fin should get longer. Like this one:

Picture credit to: Fluff
This here is a adult male with it's dorsal fin growing out. females won't have dorsal fins this long (maybe if they are very mature but females will never grow it out as long as the males will).
Males generaly have bigger bodies in diameter, where females (If not full of eggs) will be kinda long and thin like yours. But by the looks of it, I think your really blue one there that is thought to be a male could be a long-finned female (or mixed long and short) blue ram, because the end of the tail over grows to a kinda a lyre tail.
You should have it looked by someone with lots of experienced. I have little and still have more to learn. But I think I have enough experience to sex them since I've been raising them for a little over a year now. trust me, I have corrected many people I know and even corrected LFS. Many of the fish stores I went to thinks that the males are the one with the red belly since they seem to be more colorful.

you have a pair. mine look exactly like them n i have a pair. my male even has pink on his belly, well more a purple. but you have a pair.

You should double check, from my experience, I've never seen a pink-red-purple belly male ram before. You might not have a pair then. Have they spawned sucsessful spawns before?
I reckon its a pair too. The 2nd pic is the girl. She is not as colourful.
I would of gone with bleechme as two girls but as they've spawned guess you got a pair. It;'s the pink bellies that threw me xx
yes they have spawned, i wouldnt have said anything otherwise.
hmmm. I've seen female/female pairs that spawned before when theres no males around. many other cichilds tend to do that. but if the eggs hatched then you got a male/female pair.

I would of gone with bleechme as two girls but as they've spawned guess you got a pair. It;'s the pink bellies that threw me xx

No, VampirePlec's pair spawned, not Gazoo's pair.
hi, i think pair. the one on the left is male i think going by his long and impressive ventrals

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