Do I Feed My Fish Enough?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Weedon, Northamptonshire
Well just been wondering lately whether im feeding my fish enough basically.

Their usual feeding routine is that they get fed every 2 days and I feed them 1 pinch of flakes that I crumble, and then on either saturday or sunday I feed them half a cube of bloodworm or daphnia.

With this feeding routine the food gets ate fairly quick, although the bloodworm or daphnia takes longer to get ate compared to the flake.

However ive been thinking of changing this to feeding them 1 pinch of flakes that I crumble everyday and then on either saturday or sunday a quarter of a cube of bloodworm or daphnia.

Which option seems the best? or any other routine you could suggest.

The fish I currently have is:

2 Platy and 4 guppies, however on the weekend im going to get something like 2 or 3 honey gourami's or rams or something similar. So this needs to be considered now aswell.

The cubes of bloodworm and daphnia are - 2 cm * 1.5 cm * 1.5 cm so you know the size of them.

So just wondering how much you lot think I should be feeding them basically? As Id hate to be making them starve or feed them too much. Any help/advice greatly appreciated!

I feed them once every 2 day. No problem fish can live up to 2 weeks without food :D. Dont worry.
Yeah that's fine, they don't need much food at all especially if they have some plants to munch on or veggies every now and then.

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