Do Goldfish Need A Heater?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2007
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I have some fancy goldfish and was wondering if they need a heater in their tank? I would also like to try and keep some real plants in their tank so any advice welcome . 
Real plants and goldfish as far as I know don't go well, They just eat them.
As for a heater, No.
You could try anubias & java fern they tend to leave those alone, attach them to wood or stone as the rhizome needs to be in the water column.
As long as the tank doesn't get to less than 15°C or so (which is very unlikely in a modern house) they don't need a heater, no.

Plants are good for goldies but you have to either accept that they will eat them and resign yourself to replacing them at regular intervals, or try the tough waxy type plants, like Java fern and anubias.
It depends what fancy goldfish you have, I have a large celestial eye and that needs slightly warmer temps so I keep a heater set at around 23-24 as they are sensitive to cold but not all fancy goldfish are as sensitive, as for plants if you have a deep substrate and manage to get the plants growing well before the fish are introduced they should be ok, my fish has vallis, hygrophilia, sagittaria and crypts in the tank and he does not dig them up or eat them but they were growing in this tank long before the fish was put in, I also have java fern and anubias which he leaves alone but these are attached to bogwood as they cannot be planted, the only plant he eats is the hornwort that is floating and duckweed that occasionally finds its way into my tank.
Thanks for the extra info, betta fish. I know very little about celestials; in fact, I've never even seen one, in real life!
They are hearty! Should do just fine without a heater. 
My ryukins, pearlscale, and orandas have a heater, it is set to 25-26C. I am after growth though, once they get a bit of size on them the temp will be put down to 23-24C
No, unless your tank water can reach freezing water levels. In places like Japan and China, goldfishes in outdoor ponds are still active in waters with 53.6F (12○ Celsius) temps.
Goldfish are still active in freezing water! I have a small outdoor pond with 5 large goldfish. We had unusual weather a few years ago in October that brought temperatures down to well below freezing. I didn't know my water heater broke until this incident happened. Over 5 inches of ice formed on the top of the water. I was able to stand on the pond without falling through! It stayed frozen for all of fall and winter and when the pond finally thawed in the spring, all my goldfish were still alive! As long as there's still water below the ice, they will survive. But, I'm sure you won't have this problem in a tank! :) 
Please remember some fancy goldies will not survive well in cold water, some do need a heater to keep the water above 18C. Many of the fancies have been so selectively bred that many of the normal goldfish traits are lost.
You will be risking losing them by not keeping them at least somewhat warmer than what is considered the norm.

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