do ghost shrimp reproduce quickly


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ames, Iowa USA
Just wondering...

I have two GSPs and just bought a small plastic container so I could buy larger quantities of ghost shrimp and not dump them all in the tank at once.

I was just wondering... do pufferkeepers (or other fish keepers for that matter) raise their own Ghost shrimp?

I've owned ghost shrimp many times... just not for more than a maybe a week at most (because I intentionally buy them as feeders)

thanks for the info in advance
I'm afraid I can't answer your question for you, but the post might be better of in here:
Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles Forum

By just looking around you might actually find your answer as well. There do seem to be quite some posts on breeding shrimp ... though I really have no clue if breeding any shrimp works the same.

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