Do Fly River Turtles Eat Plants?

Hi, just found this on the net

'Care and Feeding:
In the wild, Fly River Turtles feed almost exclusively on plants and fruit, with only a small part of their diet made up of snails, insects, and small fish (Ernst and Barbour, 1989). Therefore, they will do best in captivity if fed a diet that is plant-based while foods that are high in protein and fat should be avoided. Offer low protein aquatic turtle foods, such as Reptomin® or spirulina wafers. Some of their favorite foods are water lettuce, water hyacinth, watercress, duckweed, and Vallisneria, a common aquarium plant.'

Can I keep posting on this thread, even though I'll ask a question thats not really related?

Here I go.

How are they with fish generally? Whenever I see pictures of them, they're always cohabiting with fish, whether small guppis or arowana, stingrays, etc. And I've personally seen them kept with quite edible tankmates.

But once I saw a 14 inch( :blink: ) one in a 75 gallon tank(I know this was cruel) with a even bigger siamese tigerfish, and it would keep on biting the TF's dorsal fin! It wasn't very healthy looking though. And although they turtle didn't do permenant damage, it still left a white mark on the spot it continually bit. Maybe they don't have strong bills?

SO. In your opinions, are FRT generally good tankmates for fish, especially ones that are much bigger than their mouths? Or is leaving them alone a temporary thing?

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