Do fish have ears?


New Member
Oct 27, 2003
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Hi, prob sound like a really stupid question for all of use, but i have music real loud and when i get my tank i dont want it to be really loud if its right next to them. Please can someone just let me know if they do have ears n hear anything... thanks :)
Fish most definitely have ears. In addition, they have a second sensory system called the "lateral line" which responds to vibrations and pressure waves.

By playing loud music near your aquarium, you are/will be stressing your fish.
They can probably feel the vibrations real well though. I've been warned about putting a tank near speaker and such.
sound travels better through water than through air, don't know if that makes a difference but it could mean that it's louder in the tank than where you stand!!
that's why when u tap the tank they flinch. does that mean i cant play my violin in my room already? :p (my tank's in my room lol)
Crap Lateral Line have you seen my desk? I got a really good sound system right above my fish tank! But i dont play it that loud so i hope i dont make my fish crazy.
FishNewbie said:
Crap Lateral Line have you seen my desk? I got a really good sound system right above my fish tank! But i dont play it that loud so i hope i dont make my fish crazy.
Yep, it does. They will notice the vibration even if you don't feel it. What this will do in the long run is make them skittish to any movement. Even you walking up to the tank and the vibration from that will give them flashbacks of horror and make them swim away.

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