do fins grow back?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Surrey, England
my favourite clown loaches are looking well the worse for wear.
(I left them with a neighbour who keeps fish, but alas he just fed them and watched the ich multiply)
ich everywhere.
and one has pretty much lost his tail. The ich I can eventually deal with.
But what about his tail?

usually they do grow back. why did he lose his tail? need to know the answers to your other post to help more effectively.
Not sure why his tail has gone. However glad he has a chance of it growing back.
Having been away from the tank for a week I haven't been able to monitor it.
Could it be fin rot, or has someone eaten it? I don't know. His three other clown loaches seem friendly and play together nicely and they're the biggest fish in there.
What does fin rot look like?
I'll go and check the fish disease posts above I think.

The fin will grow back. on of my fish has a split in there fin and two or three days later he was ok. If the fish has Ich its tail is probley gone becasue of the Ich. If I were you I would buy some Maracyn. (the one for fin and tail rot , popeye, and body fungus) Dont worry about the other things it will still help.


p.s. Since I have tryed to help you all I ask for is that when I post a topic for you to help me.
Just a general comment about vacation/holidays. Fish don't have the same life-cycle as mammals so they can go 2-3 weeks without food (Humans can do that too actually just not without getting sick) and they will be fine as long as you start feeding them again when you come back. Personally, I would rather not give my fish to someone who doesn't know what they are doing because they usually do more harm than good
hi we've had a couple of fish that had lost part of their finns( when we had kribs in our tank - bad bad idea theyve now gone) - a danio lost the bottom half of his tail & a neon that had a huge chunk out of his< they both have grown back completely.(only took a couple of weeks) i read somewhere that if it gets bitten off right to the base they often will die. its a good idea to keep an eye on them though to make sure the bits arent getting infected. :)

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