Do Female Fighters Flare?


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Bradford, West Yorkshire
I was watching my male yesterday swimming round with the females, and i suddenly noticed one of which ( i thought) was a female flaring at the male !! i was like WOOOAHHHHHHH!! that cant be right... so i watched for about an hour and saw him passing all the other females and not one of them flared at him once, apart from this one (what i thought AND bought as a) female.

Sorry if this sounds like a silly question, but im new to bettas and am building up the breading stock form my fiancee.


Yes females flare! But you shouldnt really keep males and females together in a tank as the females are also aggressive!

ok cheers mate. its just she is very big, and i was a little worried that it might have been a male that had been beaten up and suffered some fin damage that made him look like a she, if that makes any sense at all.
Oh my goodness yes they can flare almost as well as any male can. :lol:
Natsuko is right, they shouldn't be kept together or there will be fights. I'd say a few of my girls are more aggressive then a few of the males. And they are more then capable of fighting.
It still could be a male! Does it have a white spot near its bum? I bought 4 females and one turned out to be a male sometimes a male does get sold on as a female
i shall be on "white bum spotting duty" this evening LOL !!

i have noticed however that his/her 2 long fin bits on her underside are very long, as long as a males, but not as long as a female.
:rofl: A white spot near their bum. :lol: I'm gonna laugh about that all day now. So well put.

I'm glad I made you smile lol It's Monday so brain not functoning very well!

Spooky: Good luck in finding out! Luckily the white spot is very visible! I thought there was something wrong with my girls at first! Female bettas are great fun just like the males I think mine are mad as they like to pounce on their food one nearly jumped out of the tank yesterday :fun:
:rofl: A white spot near their bum. :lol: I'm gonna laugh about that all day now. So well put.

I'm glad I made you smile lol It's Monday so brain not functoning very well!

Spooky: Good luck in finding out! Luckily the white spot is very visible! I thought there was something wrong with my girls at first! Female bettas are great fun just like the males I think mine are mad as they like to pounce on their food one nearly jumped out of the tank yesterday :fun:

I did actually have one jump out of the tank last week whilst i was netting my discus to move to a purpose built tank for them !! she was fine though, she bounced once and then stated flailing around. but she recoverd and is fine LOL

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