Well, I have decided to return my two guppies as I haven't had much luck with them. I had an idea of what to do with my cycled 10 gallon, put a dp in it. Well, my idea is as such, divide it so one side has 4 gallons and the other 6, put my male betta who is currently living in a one gallon into the 4 gal side, and a dwarf puffer in the 6 gallon side, since I know DP's need a good ammount of room.
Is this idea any good, or is it rubbish? And, do dp's have to eat live food, or can they eat other things? For that matter, what do you feed them?
Edit, I have frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp, would this work for food?
Is this idea any good, or is it rubbish? And, do dp's have to eat live food, or can they eat other things? For that matter, what do you feed them?
Edit, I have frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp, would this work for food?