Do Different Danios Types School Together?


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I have 3 lively Pearl Danios in my tank at the moment. I am thinking of adding a few more. I think the Pearls look great but I also do like the leapoard variety. Anyone had any experiencing with Pearls and leapoards schooling together?

I have zebras and leopards, who school together. I was planning on getting pearls at one point and was reliably informed by a few people that they school with the others too.
they will all school together to an extent but would be happier in a group of the same variety
Thanks for the replies. :good:
Don't know whether to have a couple more Pearls or to get a few leopards for variety .... I will have to think - too many danios could cause too much activity in the tank.
Leopard and zebra danios are two colour varities of the same type of danio and so shoal together, however pearl danio sare a different type of danio so you would need to have at least 6 to have a happy group as they shoal and interact best with their own kind :thumbs: .

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