Do Corys.........


Feb 23, 2008
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West Yorkshire
Do all cory's lay eggs in the same pattern...what I mean is I have had bronze spawn, so know they dot eggs on the glass in little groups, but whilst I was just about to begin a water change, I thought yuk what is that clump of stuff by the god it was the biggest clump of eggs I have ever exageration....I thought my god are those cory eggs, as my bronze had spawned a couple of days ago, but again with the same pattern, a few here a few there, but these have been laid in a big first I thought they couldnt be eggs, but on examination they are what I believe to be cory eggs, I have peppered, sterbai and trilineatus....does anyone know if they lay eggs in different ways?

LOL maybe I am getting overexcited, and they will be bronze eggs, but if anyone can offer advice it would be appreciated.

I reckon the clump of eggs, there must be at least 100 if not more eggs in one clump....I have removed them for the moment and put them in a breeder net, as my fry tank is full of baby bronze, and a few more eggs that I collected from 2 days ago.

Yes Debbie, Corys do have different styles of egg laying. Some carefully place individual eggs in descreet spots, some mostly lay eggs on leaves, some into mops or moss, some on the sides of things like slate or glass. Some lay clumbs or clutches and as I mentioned some place each egg carefully.
Bronze are clutch plasteres. They plaster clumps of eggs enmasse everywhere. :hyper: As they age the ladies lay larger clumps.

The sterbai are a little different less of the same. They will lay more in moss and on leaves. Not sure about trilis
Yes Debbie, Corys do have different styles of egg laying. Some carefully place individual eggs in descreet spots, some mostly lay eggs on leaves, some into mops or moss, some on the sides of things like slate or glass. Some lay clumbs or clutches and as I mentioned some place each egg carefully.
Bronze are clutch plasteres. They plaster clumps of eggs enmasse everywhere. :hyper: As they age the ladies lay larger clumps.

The sterbai are a little different less of the same. They will lay more in moss and on leaves. Not sure about trilis

Thanks for the reply JollySue...I think then perhaps they are bronze....they have started to hatch yesterday, so time will tell what they are!


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