Do cories like caves?


Fish Addict
Jun 23, 2004
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I've put in a sunken log in the five gallon tank that has created a great cave! I'm going to put 2 Corydoras [Sterbai or Adolfoi] in the tank with the ember tetras, and I was wondering if they'd like to use the cave.
I think they will! Cories are nocturnal, so their eyes are sensitive to light. If they have a refuge during the day where they can get into the shade they will greatly appreciate it. :nod:
I hope so, it'd be so awesome to see them hanging out in it, or coming out to feed etc.
5 gallon is not as small as you think . . . A horizontal tank will have lots of surface area, and well planted, can house a substantial community of smaller species; of which most corydoras definitely belong.

It might look like over-stock since I already have 3 fish in there, but the embers put together amount to less than 1.5 inchs . . . :p
Snowy made a cave out of aquarium safe silicon glue and a bunch of river pebbles(the safe ones sold in stores, not local out of our lake! :crazy: ). I inherited it when she left and the corydoras in the 10 gallon love it. They also love the sea shell(mini conch?) that is buried half in the sand. They love hiding in both. I try to give them shaded areas. I took out one of the two lights on that 10 gallon hood, the poor guys needed sunglasses in they love the shady side of the tank too.

SnowyZMom B)
This is actually kind of humorous but, after all that trouble . . .

I put in the sterbais today, and guess what the first thing they did was?

. . .

go in the cave.

Few cories in a 5g should be ok, especially if it is well planted. You should really get more than 2 though, more you get, more active they become.

I have a large piece of driftwood in the middle of the tank, one end is sitting on top of a pile of rocks, and my cories almost always rest under the wood. It is clearly visible when I see them from the front of the tank, but it is under a shade nonethless. See my 25g tank picture if you are interested... ;)
finish furnishing the tank, so WELL planted now . . . very well planted . . . ok, I'll think of adding another sterbai. I'd really like 2 adolfoi but . . . we'll see

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