Do Cories Enjoy Vegetables?

a varied diet is good. I feed cucumber and peas, along withy frozen green stuff and they love it. Mix up with occasional bloodworm but with a tablet as a basic staple diet
its long been a myth that corys eat cucumber. this is not try. they gain no benefit from it and may graze on it but that is all.

Feed Tetra Tabimin as part of a good balanced diet and they will flourish
my 5 panda corys will devour a slice of cucumber in a day or so...
Just feed them algae wafers if you want to feed them a source of veggie matter...

Mine prefer frozen foods such as bloodworm far more than cucumber.
Isn't it true though, that all fruits and veg are safe for the aquarium, and provide vitamin and mineral supplements. For example, I occasionally feed tiny bits of apple (finger nail size), or other fruits to my Endler's, I think this is perhaps one of the reasons why they are so healthy and their colouring is so vibrant. I can't imagine why Corys are any different, however I do understand the importance of sinking food and how corys feed from invisible matter in the water. I feed JMC pellets as a staple.
Mine just eat everything and anything which comes with in range - food flakes, algae waffers, bloodworm, brineshrimp, etc...

Only thing they've not eaten yet are their tank mates ;)

(They'll bump me if I'm rearranging furniture so probably would try to eat me if they can figure out how a 2" fish could eat a 5'10" human :roll: )
Isn't it true though, that all fruits and veg are safe for the aquarium, and provide vitamin and mineral supplements. For example, I occasionally feed tiny bits of apple (finger nail size), or other fruits to my Endler's, I think this is perhaps one of the reasons why they are so healthy and their colouring is so vibrant. I can't imagine why Corys are any different, however I do understand the importance of sinking food and how corys feed from invisible matter in the water. I feed JMC pellets as a staple.

I wouldn't advise feeding apple to fish, it's not good for them. Just feed cucumber, lettuce, Zucchini and veg flakes.
Cories do not need any additional vegetable food. There are plenty of nutrients present in a high quality tablet food.
Giving Cories veggies is a waste of time, as Coryologist said. Put in some driftwood with Java fern or sword or a moss ball.

Google Frank Falcone. He is a man to be respected when it come to thriving Cories.

You leave cucumbers in the tank for 3 or 4 days? Not a good practice. They will go bad and cause problems. They should be removed at the end of the day.

As long as you don't alow the veggies to stay in the tank long (unless you have snails or some such to clean up left overs quickly), there is no harm. But if they are eating up the veggies, they would be happier with some sinking wafers or live worms.
i feed my cories a staple diet of bloodworms,brineshrimp and sinking pellets, but often drop algea wafers or veg such as cucumber,brocolii, peas, etc for them to enjoy, they wouldnt eat it if they didnt like it would they? besides, its not just for them, my kuhliis and shrimps enjoy the treats,

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