Do Bn Have To Have Bristles Before They Breed?


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
UK , South Wales.
Do Bn have to have bristles before they breed? :S
As ive got 6 albinos in 1 tank. 3 are at 1" and the other 3 are about 2" , none yet have any bristles. The 1 has dissapeerd into my home made coconut cave for the last 2 days!!. Ive seen it poke its head about but its not comming out for food! ive presumed that they were all a bit young to breed ? what do you think... :sly:
I'd say too young.

at that size they are still quite sensative - we had 6 at about 1.5" that we moved to our breeding tank - 2 dissapeared and we now only have 4 - the other 2 were never found... the others are now at about 4" (2 males) and 2.5" (2 females) and havent bread yet.
Our's didn't even begin to get bristles until they were over 2 inches long and it took a few more months on top of that before they bred. It took about a year before we knew what sexes we had!

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