Do Bettas


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
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southampton uk

sorry am new to bettas, every now and then my betta will lay on the floor. he looks fine ie has no illnesses!
they half sleep, wre there awake but not all there brain is on
they sort of doze...I went in kitchen last night and put the overhead lights on and most of them sort of jumped up and came to the front of the tank, apart from the old one who couldnt be bothered. :lol:
My lazy fish lay on the ground during the day too, sometimes. Or they lay for hours on the giant leaves of the silk plants.

If you turn on the light suddenly, a lot of times it will shock them and they'll have to regain their coloring. That's what happens to some of my fish if I turn on their light at 5 am without warning.

But yeah, if I leave the light on too much, they'll all go tuck themselves in a plant and wait for me to turn the light off. It's so cute to see this little betta nose sticking out of the giant plant! :wub:
I have just cleaned one of my old bettas out..and all the others are all excited. They know I do them in rotation! silly fish! :hey:
Mine did that a lot before I moved them so they could see each other. Now they only do it at night when the lights go out.
I had one that would lie there being very still in his plants and wouldn't move for anything early in the AM. I was really worried until I realized...he just doesn't DO mornings. A man after my own heart.

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