Do bettas recognize plants?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
I was thinking about how these bettas that come from big chains are probably mass produced and have lived their whole life in a bare jar. When you finally get them home do they recognize the plants and gravel? Or are they used to their bare jars?
It seems like they get used to jars, judging by the amount of avid fish keepers that use them, but I can safely say that mine loves the plants. Fish don't run off of intelligence, they run off of instinct, and that can't be bred out of the fish so quickly.
From my experience when my bettas were first introduced into their tanks they did take curiosity to the gravel by trying to eat it :lol: The plants were quickly discovered as a good resting spot/hideout, though that seems more like instinct to me. Though they both showed preferences to a different type of plant...just another part of their personality. Both of mine really seem to enjoy their plants :D
Yep, Mine love the Plants.

The roses I added last night are the Females' Favs now and they Like the Maroon Roses Best.

The large Males like to Rest In the Braches of the Plants i hae covered the background in.

Mello Spendsmost of his time peeking out of all the nooks and crannies in the branches and likes wriggling around in them.

My Pearl Female Used to Sleep in the Barnalces, but now she prefers the Hanging Plants.

They Like the Bright colors of the plants flowers.

Emerhald plays with the Flowers, He has detached a few and holds onto them and pushes them around the tank, then lets them float back to the surface again. Once he gets bored he oushes the into the corner behind the filter.

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