Do bettas normally avoid the filter current?


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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because mine doesn't. He goes right in the current and swims fast up and down and through the leaves of the plant (I put part of a silk plant there to help slow down the current a little). There are plenty of plants to rest in out of the current but he also spends a lot of time resting in the part that is right in the current. Is my guy weird? :blink: Will this hurt him?

btw I think I'm changing his name to mr grouchy. Every time I go up to the tank and look in he swims right over and flares at me.
Sorry, am a newbie so can't answer your question on filters.

Every time I go up to the tank and look in he swims right over and flares at me

Maybe he thinks you are a Betta :hyper:
because mine doesn't. He goes right in the current and swims fast up and down and through the leaves of the plant (I put part of a silk plant there to help slow down the current a little). There are plenty of plants to rest in out of the current but he also spends a lot of time resting in the part that is right in the current. Is my guy weird? :blink: Will this hurt him?

btw I think I'm changing his name to mr grouchy. Every time I go up to the tank and look in he swims right over and flares at me.

They naturally come from shallow oxygen defficient lakes and therefore may be caucious of rapid water. As anabantids they will need access to the surface of the water to breath and this will also need stiller water

Hope I helped,
Ive heard they can swim into currents to clean off parasites, but your guy sounds pretty healthy
My betta used to swim into the current as well. I would watch him get pushed down and around but he persisted. To slow down the flow, I put a stocking over the tube going into his tank and secured it with a rubberband. It slowed down the current nicely. Sharky stills swims into the current but he isn't getting knocked around. I think that's what caused some shredded fins.

My betta flares every time he sees me. I think he's saying hello.
lmao I didn't look at the date on the thred. my girlfriend was reading it and i replied when she passed it me. Its got like 5 times the amount of replies this time tho :p


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that must be close to a record for the oldest ever resurrected post. what would be an appropriate prize :rolleyes:
this person has been waiting for ages with their poor lil betta in a bowl and i have helped them :p

A good deed for animal welfare



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