Do Betta's Like Salt In Their Water?

I've read that they do, and it's also a good way to ensure you won't have to worry too much about a fungus infection and ich, so I did end up adding a little under 1 tsp to my 3g tank. My Betta seemed to perk up a bit, just add it slowly over a half hour or so and don't add it directly to the water (it can burn them), let it mix in a small cup of the tank's water first.

To be on the safe side, I would either buy aquarium salt, or get some pure sodium chloride- which I had on hand in the form of sea salt as some people argue that iodine isn't good for fish- while others disagree. Better safe than sorry I always say.
people will say that bettas dont tolerate salt and i dont think they would in the long term. however i have used salt in the short term with no bad effects :)
I would only use salt if my betta was sick or something.

Yeah that's what I would do.
But alot of people put a little bit of salt in their bettas tanks and all seems to be perfectly fine.. so you could just try it out and see how things go :)
I add a little under a half a teaspoon of aquarium salt to my one galleon bowl, when I change the water and I make sure it's all dissolved before putting my betta back. He seems fine and healthy and makes lots of bubble nests.
I add a little under a half a teaspoon of aquarium salt to my one galleon bowl, when I change the water and I make sure it's all dissolved before putting my betta back. He seems fine and healthy and makes lots of bubble nests.

i do the same thing. as it's been stated above, it prevents ich and fungus. you can't use regular salt though, you need some form of aquarium salt.
Well I added some last night. I completely cleaned out Lawrence's tank and added the salt at half the "Tonic" dose recommendation rate. He looks fine this morning, so we'll see how he goes. The main reason I've added the salt is for his tail, which at some point looked like someone had taken a pair of scissors too and chopped the top half of it off! I can't currently afford to buy any sort of medications but I do have a jar of Aquarium Salt as I add a little to my main tank.
I remember reading somewhere that salt boosts their immune system. Not sure how true it is, but I only use it if me bettas aren't looking normal, or are sick.
We've been using Betta Spa for the last 2 weeks. Betta Spa has some salt in it along with the almond leaf extract. Wally has a lot more energy and a ferocious appetite since adding this to his water!

Before Betta Spa, I did add a bit of salt at each water change, but didn't notice any difference.

I believe that salt helps keep down bacteria and/or fungus, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Would it be ok to use some of the clean saltwater I have ready mixed for my marine tanks? I'm guessing it would be ok but I'd rather check.
Would it be ok to use some of the clean saltwater I have ready mixed for my marine tanks? I'm guessing it would be ok but I'd rather check.

I use aquaruim salt- 1g to 1l as it does not affect the water hardness. Marine salt will.

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